WHAOO!!! S.ex Robots With Fully Functional “V.agina” To Arrive in Nigeria.. See The Cost

by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , at 04:51:00 , have 0 comments


UK Mirror reports that s’ex robots with fully functioning genitalia are set to hit the market next year as producers of s ex robots will have in-built heaters to enable them have genuine body warmth and sensors that can react to touch.
The robots called ‘RealDoll’, made by Abyss Creations, a California-based company, possess hyper realistic features never seen before and will cost up to £12,000.
Matt McMullen, founder of RealDoll said:

“I want to have people actually develop an emotional attachment to not only the robot but the actual character behind it – to develop some kind of love for this being,”

WHAOO!!! S.ex Robots With Fully Functional “V.agina” To Arrive in Nigeria.. See The Cost
WHAOO!!! S.ex Robots With Fully Functional “V.agina” To Arrive in Nigeria.. See The Cost - written by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , published at 04:51:00, categorized as IFTTT , Tiwa's Blog . And have 0 comments
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