Must Read : See why sex is called ‘making love’

by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , at 09:04:00 , have 0 comments


After all, if sex was purely about two people reaching orgasm, then we would more natur­ally engage in activ­ities that involve more direct genital stim­u­la­tion. Inter­course is a natural progres­sion from kissing to a man capit­al­ising on his sex ual arousal to ‘make love’ to a woman.The hetero­sexual act of vag inal inter­ course is designed fore­most as an expres­sion of love between a man and a woman.
When a woman is amen­able to accepting a man’s sex ual initi­ative, inter­course allows her body to provide him with the sex ual release of org asm.
Penet­ra­tion provides the maximum turn-on for a man and signi­fies a high level of trust and intimacy between two people. Inter­course repres­ents the most personal accept­ance that a woman can offer that can be emotion­ally rewarding for a man (espe­cially if her sex ual accept­ance is awarded sparingly).
“Although we may use org asm as a measure of the frequency of female activity, and may emphasize the signi­fic­ance of orgasm as a source of physiologic outlet and of social inter­change for the female, it must always be under­stood that we are well aware that this is not the only signi­ficant part of a satis­factory sex ual relationship.
This is much more true for the female than it would be for the male. It is incon­ceiv­able that males who are not reaching org asm would continue their marital coitus for any length of time.” (p371 Se xual beha­vior in the human female 1953)
Many women see sex as a loving and sensual act with a man they love. The vast majority of women are not inter­ested in the er ot­i­cism and phys­ical se x play (focused on genital stim­u­la­tion) that would lead to their own sexual arousal and or gasm.
The se xual revolu­tion implied that women’s s exu­ality could become more like men’s simply as a result of a change in atti­tudes. In fact, many women settled for faking or gasm to keep men happy rather than being motiv­ated to reach or gasm with a partner.
Must Read : See why sex is called ‘making love’
Must Read : See why sex is called ‘making love’ - written by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , published at 09:04:00, categorized as IFTTT , Tiwa's Blog . And have 0 comments
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