We all want clean and glowing face. Nobody likes acne, pimples, redness, winkles, or strains. There are a thousand of cosmetic products on the market promising their quickly removal, but there is always a natural alternative too. Today we will talking about stains and will present you a natural remedy that will help you to get rid of those unwanted spots in a record time.
Stains are discoloration of the skin and may occur for various reasons, such as: hormonal imbalance, sun exposure, aging, post inflammatory or due to acne. Effect of hormonal imbalance on the skin color is most visible due to pregnancy, when a “face mask” or Melasma may occur – dark spots and marks on the nose and chicks area.
Although, sun may be essential for life, but is an enemy for our skin – UV light damages our skin, and besides wrinkles or even cancer, it is responsible in most of the cases for dark spots appearance on face and hands.