Ghanaian Bishop Says It’s Dangerous For Couples To Make Love Between 12am-3am – SEE WHY

by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , at 01:36:00 , have 0 comments



The South African pastors, had us with their eating of snakes turned chocolate and stones turning to bread – now the Ghanaian pastors seem to have picked up the trend. After it

was reported of a Ghanaian pastor, who told his male members to come out of the congregation if they wanted larger genitals so he could lay his hands on them and they’d grow bigger, well yet another pastor is saying that couples shouldn’t have se,x between the midnight hours of 12am and 3am. A Twitter user shared these tweets revealing what his Ghanaian Bishop told him. He says his Bishop says couples shouldn’t have se.x between the hours of 12am and 3am else angels that are supposed to guide them would return cause they aren’t allowed by God to see their se.xual activities and thus, the evil spirit strikes

Ghanaian Bishop Says It’s Dangerous For Couples To Make Love Between 12am-3am – SEE WHY
Ghanaian Bishop Says It’s Dangerous For Couples To Make Love Between 12am-3am – SEE WHY - written by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , published at 01:36:00, categorized as IFTTT , Tiwa's Blog . And have 0 comments
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