PHOTOS: Shocking revealing details, how big boys use girls for money rituals!

by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , at 11:19:00 , have 0 comments

Hmm! I saw this video on Facebook and I’m still speechless, after making love to girls, they release tons of maggot inside the lady, then she will start vomiting money, the video was so gross, I munch some pic, check it out. Na wa oh!

Brothers and sisters,get noted,money ritualist are now rampant in the society and in our homes.Comrades watch the below video carefully and see what this SAKAWA GUYS do this days to our sisters, they will discharge these maggots into a female’s VAGINA after haven had inter-course with her sexually.These maggots will eat up the female’s WOMB gradually so as to increase THEM(SAKAWA GUYs) in wealth,that is why they change cars and putting up mansions here and there and the likes…..Besides all, the Victims@FEMALE@ will not be able bare  even a child.SEND to save the innocent-poor sisters/mothers please.Download and watch the video……THANKS TO ALL MEMBERS ON THIS PLATFORM by Abul Raid.

PHOTOS: Shocking revealing details, how big boys use girls for money rituals!
PHOTOS: Shocking revealing details, how big boys use girls for money rituals! - written by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , published at 11:19:00, categorized as IFTTT , Tiwa's Blog . And have 0 comments
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