Ladies, Take Note! If You Do These 8 S*xy Things With Your Mouth, Your Man Will Go Crazy for You

by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , at 09:33:00 , have 0 comments
There are certain things you can use your mouth to do that will drive your man crazy. These are some of those things.
For those who want to be more creative than just giving him a blow
1. Say his name.
Studies show the sound we love most is the sound of our own names being said by someone who you want to bone. Those are literally the results of all the studies. I swear.
2. Speak in a language you don’t know.
​ ​Have you ever tried to speak in fake Spanish? Just roll your R’s a lot and list the names of vegetables and fruits and talk about la biblioteca. ​Nothing is hotter.
3. Use a straw.
Maybe it’s beer, maybe it’s a wine cooler, maybe it’s Kool-Aid. Either way, you’re sucking on something and that makes guys think of refreshing drinks.
4. Whisper sweet nothings.
Like, literally whisper the words “sweet nothings” over and over again. It doesn’t mean anything at all but if you whisper it low enough so he can’t hear what you’re saying, it’ll just seem like a sexy whisper.
5. Mouth the names of the friends of his you kinda wanna make out with.
He won’t know why you keep mouthing, “Your friend Sean, your friend Sean,” but he’ll love the way your mouth moves.
6. Press it against his car window and puff your cheeks out like a fish.
It’s important that this is a really filthy car, if you know what I mean. Cause if he stays with you after that, it’s about to get FREAKAAAYYYYY.
7. Tie a cherry stem into the shape of his favorite basketball player’s body with your tongue.
This is not easy to do and if you complete this task successfully, you should win an award that comes with a plaque, because who are you and how did you do that??
8. Open your mouth obscenely wide when you kiss him.
Really envelope his whole mouth with your mouth, then push your breath out so hard it hits the back of his throat and he passes out from how weird it was. How you choose to revive him is up to you.
Ladies, Take Note! If You Do These 8 S*xy Things With Your Mouth, Your Man Will Go Crazy for You
Ladies, Take Note! If You Do These 8 S*xy Things With Your Mouth, Your Man Will Go Crazy for You - written by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , published at 09:33:00, categorized as IFTTT , Tiwa's Blog . And have 0 comments
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