Five Ways Some Ladies are Destroying their Marriage Without Knowing…Take No.2 Serious

by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , at 14:12:00 , have 0 comments
Some men and women do not know they are the ones who bring an end to their marriage or relationship with the things they do.
*Photo used for illustrative purpose*
1. Living outside of what you can afford
A wise old woman from my church congregation once advised: “The best thing you can do as a wife is to live within your husband’s means.”
Wives, show sincere appreciation and respect to your husband by carefully following a budget and making the most of what you have. Be wise about your finances.
Constantly complaining about not having enough to fulfill your lavish desires or racking up astronomical amounts of debt for yourself and your husband is a poor way of saying “thank you” to a faithful spouse who works hard every day to provide for the family.
Yes, you may not have enough to buy that designer shoes or bag you’ve had your eyes on recently, but your husband will love and appreciate the fact that you honor him and are grateful for what he provides.
2. Constant negativity
You hate your hair, the messes around the house, the neighbor across the street, your dumb co-worker, the old dishwasher, and everything in between. As soon as your husband walks through the door, you launch into action and dump every negative and angry thought that’s crossed your mind.
Can you imagine having to carry that burden? Negativity is draining. Men like to fix things, and constantly being hounded with complaints makes it difficult for him to help solve your pains.
If there is one thing I’ve learned from marriage is that a good man wants you to be happy, and if he can’t help you do that, it makes him unhappy.
3. Putting everything else first
When your children, mom, best friends, talents, or career in front of your husband, you send a clear message to him that he is unimportant. Imagine having that message sent to you every day for many years. What would that do to your self esteem?
Put your husband first! Although it sometimes seems counter-intuitive and counterproductive, I think you’d be amazed to find that it’s often the key to the greatest happiness in marriage. So many couples get divorced these days, because of neglect and to a large extent disrespect.
If you choose to put him first, you will find a lot of joy.
4. Withholding physical affection
Men crave and need physical affection with their wives. When you constantly decline intimacy, it wears on them. S*x should not be used as a tool to control your spouse; it should be viewed as a sacred tool to draw you closer to one another and to God.
It is a great blessing to be wanted and needed by a loving, romantic husband who wants to share something so beautiful and important with you — and you only. Even though you might not always be in the mood, it’s worth it to give in (unless you are sick) and spend that time bonding.
5. Not speaking his language
Don’t waste your time giving subtle hints that he won’t understand: Speak plainly to him. Be honest about your feelings, and don’t bottle things up until you burst. If he asks you what’s wrong, don’t respond with “nothing” and then expect him to read your mind. Be open to your man and grow your marriage.
Five Ways Some Ladies are Destroying their Marriage Without Knowing…Take No.2 Serious
Five Ways Some Ladies are Destroying their Marriage Without Knowing…Take No.2 Serious - written by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , published at 14:12:00, categorized as IFTTT , Tiwa's Blog . And have 0 comments
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