Touching Photos: 90-year-old paralysed man dumped alive in graveyard by family

by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , at 23:16:00 , have 0 comments


Residents of Mutomo Village in Gatundu, Kiambu County, Kenya were shocked to find a 90-year-old man dumped alive near a graveyard on Monday, September 12th.
Samuel Kibure was dumped near Mutomo graveyard along Gatundu-Mutomo Kenyatta road route where he was discovered by members of the public. According to Kibure, he had been admitted at a Gatundu hospital and later discharged.
He told Citizen Digital that he was taken to his brother’s house at Karembu in Gatundu South on Mondaynight by his son who lives in Nakuru. In the middle of the night, his brother’s sons woke him up, wrapped him in a blanket and took him in their car where they dumped him near the graveyard at about 2pm.
Kibure narrated how he had sold his land and property, leaving him homeless, adding that his children later deserted him claiming he had become a burden to them as his legs had been paralysed.
One area resident told Citizen Digital that Kibure had been a prominent businessman and worked for the ministry of Agriculture. The old man later began drinking heavily and sold all his property. Area chief Mutheki Muiri was called to handle the case.
Touching Photos: 90-year-old paralysed man dumped alive in graveyard by family
Touching Photos: 90-year-old paralysed man dumped alive in graveyard by family - written by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , published at 23:16:00, categorized as IFTTT , Tiwa's Blog . And have 0 comments
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