See The Shocking Reasons Why Married Women Cheat

by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , at 02:13:00 , have 0 comments



About 75% of divorces stem from cheating, either from the woman or the man. Men have been accused more of cheating than women, but you will be surprised to know even women cheat more these days and here are the reasons why.

1. Complacency

When you were together before marriage, you were probably miles apart and so seeing each other always appears fresh, but now you’re married and you wake up in each others faces. You always see each other and so couples don’t mind or pay attention to what the other does. Sometimes things that would have made you rush out to help her aren’t there anymore. When this continues for long, the bliss in the love reduces and women will want to find it elsewhere.

2. Lacking The Fear of God (Very Dangerous)

When a woman is prayer-less, goes to church only on Sundays and does not have the consciousness of God in her, any thing can happen. Majority of women who are able to remain faithful despite the challenges or temptations do so not because they feel their man deserves their faithfulness but purely because they do not want to offend God. A spirit filled born again woman who fears God understands that cheating on her husband is not just a sin against man but a sin against God. Being born again drags you to church services , midweek prayer and constant reading of the bible. These small thing may seem common but the constant awareness of the divine has reportedly kept the sanity of many marriages.

3. Not Helping Her Out

Before marriage, she probably had sisters who were taking care of certain things for her, but after she got married, she has had to do everything on her own, coupled with taking care of a baby, so from time to time, she expects the man to help with the chores but if she is ignored for long and she’s overwhelmed by the workload, she’s likely to cheat with a man who will help her out. Yes it sound simple but women are complicated. A woman who misses some simple things in a husband will unintentionally begin to crave that particular trait and once she sees it in another man, She begins to compare and contrast. She begins to appreciate the vacuum more and if she does not watch it, She will only come to her senses when the other man mounts her cums.

4. Not Having Enough Relationship/S.ex Experience Before Marriage

A woman who has been around the block will find nothing spectacular about the next in line cock. She has seen her fair share and has realised that their is nothing left to explore. It doesn’t really make much difference to s.exual happiness whether you are an experienced lover or not. But there is such pressure to gain s.exual experience that those who don’t tend to wonder what s.ex would be like with someone else. Virgins are more prone to feeling the grass is always greener on the other side when they do have relationships. And, if their partner is se.xually experienced, they’re vulnerable to jealousy. ‘They may feel they have to live up to their partner’s previous lovers. This leads to the feeling they’re always being compared and found wanting, which can make for much unhappiness. What’s more important is to have had a wide range of life experiences before you commit to someone, rather than a wide range of se.xual experiences.

5. Financial Situations

Women just don’t know how to survive without money and they find it difficult if they are unable to buy some basic things such as panties, bra, make-up kit, dresses etc. and usually with marriage, some of these things come to a halt or are reduced. She doesn’t get the opportunity to go shopping and all that and before you know it, she’s cheating with a man who can satisfy those needs.

6. Limited Expectations

Before marriage, women actually fantasize about marriage being rosy, like a fairy tale ending where they lived happily ever after, thinking the man will be so romantic after marriage, will lift them up every morning when they are pregnant. They actually daydream about this and when they finally get married, they realize it was indeed as it was, a fairy tale.

See The Shocking Reasons Why Married Women Cheat
See The Shocking Reasons Why Married Women Cheat - written by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , published at 02:13:00, categorized as IFTTT , Tiwa's Blog . And have 0 comments
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