Outrageous : See how this crazy mother was laughing as she teaches her toddler how to smoke

by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , at 07:39:00 , have 0 comments

A mum has sparked outrage after filming her toddler while she taught him how to smoke and laughed about it.

In the shocking clip, the tot stands unsteadily in the footwell of a moving car without a seatbelt – and with a cigarette in his mouth.

As his mother and an unidentified man blast loud music and laugh at his efforts, the smiling youngster tries to share the joke.

Then a man’s hand comes forward to take the lighter and light it up, although he refrains from doing so. But after a few seconds, he pulls a face and takes the cigarette out of his mouth, clearly unhappy with the situation.


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Outrageous : See how this crazy mother was laughing as she teaches her toddler how to smoke
Outrageous : See how this crazy mother was laughing as she teaches her toddler how to smoke - written by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , published at 07:39:00, categorized as IFTTT , Tiwa's Blog . And have 0 comments
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