With all the overwhelmingly unjustified fatal shootings that have been occurring within the United States, it’s no surprise that members of the black community are tired, fed up and reached the end of their rope when it comes to racism and police brutality.
See what the situation has pushed this black woman named Tashala Dangel Geyer to doing. As a last resort to making sure she stays alive, Tashala went out, grabbed a bucket of white paint, brush and blonde wig, while streaming herself on Facebook Live, painted her naked body from head to toe white.
According to the Daytona, Florida native, she recently had an epiphany and took it upon herself to spread the word to all the “colored folk” of America.
“The Lord woke me up and sent me this sign, so I went on ‘head to Home Depot and got this paint, because White Lives Matter”.
“You better tell your Aunts, your sisters, your itchy itchy grandmammy. You better tell
them to go white and they will survive,” she says in her social media public service-like announcement.
“If you go Caucasian, b**tch you will live a long muthaf**cking time. Everybody in my house is getting painted white…Baby, I don’t want nothing brown on me. Nothing muth**fu**in’ brown on me, ’cause police ain’t gonna kill me, gaddamnit. Ugh, ugh.”
As she continues to stress the reality of the fragility of black lives in between brush strokes, she makes it clear that although what she’s doing and saying is shockingly hilarious, at the root of it all, she is trying to make a point on.
“I’m ain’t trying to be funny. I’m not racist. I’m not racist at all, but in order to survive in the world, it seems to me like you’ve got to be white. Ya ain’t gotta muthafu**ing say, ‘Hands up don’t shoot,’ if you look like this. But if you don’t look like this, bi**h then ‘pow’ you’re dead. They’re gonna kill your a**, so you better go on ‘head and go white, and you’ll be alright.”
Press play to watch the chuckle-worthy, but seriously thought-provoking, heart-breaking video, because at the end of the day, society continues to demonstrate that white lives matter more in America.