Mental illness or witchcraft? Naked witch caught while trying to steal 3 month old baby (pics)

by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , at 14:53:00 , have 0 comments

We have heard of and seen pictures alleged witches dropping like stones from the sky after being ‘arrested’ by higher powers. While some argue these incidences are either faked of the alleged witches are mental patients, others insist it is very real.

This incident happened in Kenya, surprisingly. It illustrates the fact that these cases are not just a Nigerian thing. In this particualr incident which you’re about to read, the said witch was stark naked and tried to steal a baby…but was struck down by a stone.

It happened in a place called Budiriro last Friday. Continue below

The woman who claims to have come through a whirlwind from Masvingo with her accomplices in witchcraft, rushed to grab a three-month-old child who was crying when the door was opened.

Shocked with what was taking place, mother to the infant, Caroline Nzvimbo and neighbours, quickly shouted for assistance which alarmed other residents who rushed to help.

“It was around 3am when I woke up after I heard my child crying vigorously, concurrently I heard sounds at the door,” said Caroline’s husband Trust Rugwete.

“When I opened the door I was shocked to see a naked woman hissing like a snake. While I was still trying to make sense of the situation she immediately rushed to grab my child.

“Seeing that she was holding the child, I took a brick and hit her back and she dropped the child.

“I was not afraid because my father had the ability to capture sorceresses and exorcise evil spirits, so I thought that it was a sign that I have it too.”

“The first words she said when I questioned her are ndabva kuMasvingo, ndasiiwa ne vamwe vangu vatoenda nemusoro wemunhu.

“I was expecting something to happen because I went to Madzibaba Spenlodge’s shrine and he told me that something was going to happen today.

“I had been prayed for because my form four child was unwell and I think what happened is the sign that Madzibaba Spenlodge meant.

“I know that one of my relatives is involved, because that is what witches do; they put someone who is not your relative in front but it is your relative who will be behind the attack,” he said.

The woman was later ‘arrested’ and taken to Budiriro 2 police station.

Mental illness or witchcraft? Naked witch caught while trying to steal 3 month old baby (pics)
Mental illness or witchcraft? Naked witch caught while trying to steal 3 month old baby (pics) - written by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , published at 14:53:00, categorized as IFTTT , Tiwa's Blog . And have 0 comments
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