Disturbing photos: Generator thief stripped naked, almost burnt alive with tires

by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , at 12:34:00 , have 0 comments

A young thief must be thanking his lucky stars after he narrowly escaped being burned alive with fuel and tires.

The incident, which happened in Avutu Obowo L.G.A in Imo State witnessed an irate mob catching the young man stealing a generator last night at a fuel station in Ogwumabiri Obowo.

Reports say the thieves were two in number but one was able to run away, while the unlucky fellow left behind was stripped naked and beaten to an inch of his life by the angry Ogwumabiri community youths.

After the beating the youths quickly assembled fuel and tires to burn the thief, but his personal gods were awake. Police men came and rescued him just as the tires were being prepared to make him a human bonfire.

See the disturbing photos below.

Disturbing photos: Generator thief stripped naked, almost burnt alive with tires
Disturbing photos: Generator thief stripped naked, almost burnt alive with tires - written by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , published at 12:34:00, categorized as IFTTT , Tiwa's Blog . And have 0 comments
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