Airline Awards Baby Born On Flight With Free Tickets For Life. (Photo)

by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , at 04:56:00 , have 0 comments


A newborn has been gifted with a lifetime free flights tickets on Buraq Air after his mother gave birth while aboard the airline. The airline announced the gift on its Facebook page in celebration of the inflight birth.

The boy’s mother was flying from Tripoli in Libya to Niamey, the capital of Niger, when she went into labor, Buraq Air employee Amir Abu Sin told CNN.

Buraq Air, based in Tripoli, offers flights within Libya and to destinations in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

The bouncing baby boy happily, but rather surprisingly, arrived in the world with the help of the flight’s cabin crew. In recognition of their efforts, the mother named him Abdul Baset, after the plane’s captain.

Airline Awards Baby Born On Flight With Free Tickets For Life. (Photo)
Airline Awards Baby Born On Flight With Free Tickets For Life. (Photo) - written by 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE , published at 04:56:00, categorized as IFTTT , Tiwa's Blog . And have 0 comments
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